Hey, CNY residents - in the latest issue I accidentally listed this event in the Buffalo section, but it should be under the Syracuse header.
• June 28 & 29: Lavender Festival, Ol’factory Farms, 12973 Upton Rd. Red Creek. Check out craft vendors, informational speakers, the “soap shoppe,” the tea room, hands on workshops, plant sales, food and more. Pick your own lavender. $3; free for kids 12 and under.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
"New" Ground Covers

Here's the link to the fact sheet and the brochure the Cornell IPM team's been working on.
Heuchera 'Peach Flambé' courtesy Terra Nova Nurseries
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Ride for Missing Children

Here I am last Friday at the Ride for Missing Children, with my Betty girls Anne and Michele. I am the short one in the middle. (And I'm not even short! They're tall!) This is a wonderful ride because it raises money for a great cause and we get to visit lots of elementary schools where the kids just go wild cheering.
In the next picture I'm riding with my buddy Brent Bivona who owns Sunrise Aquatics. His parents Kathy and Lou actually founded the Center for Missing and Exploited Children that's here in Rochester, and he recruited me for my first ride, in '06. He's verrrry persistent. Nice grin, Brent.
In the seven and a half hours Brent and I had to chat while covering 100 miles on Friday, we came up with what we think is another good way to raise money for the kids. Every year Sunrise Aquatics sponsors a pond tour in August to benefit the Center. This year, we thought perhaps the Upstate Gardeners' Journal would get involved too, and make it into a fun evening motor coach tour with dinner, wine tastings, etc. We're still in planning mode. Stay tuned for further developments.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Check it Out - the RPO Showhouse

Here is a shot of the garden, and one of Beverly, and then one of Beverly, in the garden, lighting a gas plant on fire. (Try it at home!)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Late Breaking Event: Ithaca Garden Tour
The Fall Creek Garden Club presents its annual garden tour on Sunday, June 8 from 11:00am-4:00pm, rain or shine, through 10 gardens in the Fall Creek neighborhood. Garden maps will be available at Thompson Park (Cayuga Street at Farm Street).
Help Wanted: Administrative Coordinator for the Rochester Civic Garden Center
Administrative Coordinator for the Rochester Civic Garden Center
Part time, 24 hour per week position. Candidates must have strong computer skills with a financial background and understanding of Quickbooks, Microsoft Office (Excel and Word) and HTML (for website maintenance). Good interpersonal and organizational skills are desirable. Must have some flexibility to work occasional weekends and evenings for special events. Please send cover letter and resume to: Christine Froehlich at rcgccf AT frontiernet DOT net.
Part time, 24 hour per week position. Candidates must have strong computer skills with a financial background and understanding of Quickbooks, Microsoft Office (Excel and Word) and HTML (for website maintenance). Good interpersonal and organizational skills are desirable. Must have some flexibility to work occasional weekends and evenings for special events. Please send cover letter and resume to: Christine Froehlich at rcgccf AT frontiernet DOT net.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Looking for the giant 'King Tut' papyrus?
You're in luck. Melissa at Hidden Hollow Farm in Webster, rte. 250, across the street from the new YMCA, has a few in stock. (Not for long, I imagine.)
You're in luck. Melissa at Hidden Hollow Farm in Webster, rte. 250, across the street from the new YMCA, has a few in stock. (Not for long, I imagine.)
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